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What Is Provisioning In Cloud Computing?

Provisioning in cloud computing is the process of allocating and configuring resources to meet the needs of an organization. Learn more about the different types of provisioning and how to automate it.

Oct 27, 20234.1K Shares84.2K ViewsWritten By: Tyrone Jackson
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  1. What Does Provisioning Mean In Cloud Computing?
  2. Different Types Of Provisioning In Cloud Computing
  3. What Are The Benefits Of Cloud Provisioning?
  4. How To Automate Provisioning
  5. What Tools And Software Are Used In Cloud Provisioning?
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Conclusion
What Is Provisioning In Cloud Computing?

Allocating and managing computer resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking, to satisfy the needs of applications and services in a cloud environment is known as provisioning in cloud computing. It entails dynamically allocating and de-allocating resources in response to the system's urgent needs.

Provisioning in on-premises systems used to be a laborious manual process that frequently required actual hardware setup and configuration. On the other hand, provisioning in the cloud is a highly automated and scalable procedure that enables businesses to maximize resource use and promptly adjust to shifting workloads.

A variety of provisioning services are provided by cloud providers, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) that is delivered via the internet, Platform as a Service (PaaS) that offers a platform for developing and deploying applications, and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that offers virtualized computing resources.

Organizations may scale resources up or down as needed using cloud provisioning, which lowers costs and boosts productivity. Additionally, it fosters agility by facilitating the quick rollout of new services and applications without requiring lengthy lead times or large capital costs.

Improved resource usage, cost effectiveness, scalability, and the freedom to concentrate on core company operations rather than infrastructure maintenance are some of the main advantages of cloud provisioning. However, to guarantee that resources are distributed effectively and in accordance with business goals, provisioning calls for meticulous planning, oversight, and administration.

Cloud computing provisioning offers a flexible, automated, and economical solution to satisfy the processing demands of contemporary applications and services. It fundamentally transforms the way resources are assigned and managed.

What Does Provisioning Mean In Cloud Computing?

In cloud computing, provisioning is the process of assigning, setting up, and granting access to cloud resources in order to satisfy an organization's requirements. In order to satisfy the unique needs of applications and workloads, it entails configuring and maintaining IT resources, including computation, storage, networking, and databases.

Resource provisioning and platform deployment interface
Resource provisioning and platform deployment interface

Provisioning can be carried either automatically or by hand. Resources are frequently provisioned on demand through automated provisioning, which may save businesses money and effort.

What Does Provisioning Involve?

The provisioning process typically involves the following steps:

  • Determining the type and quantity of resources needed, as well as the security and compliance requirements, is part of identifying the demands of the application or task.
  • Making the proper choices for compute, storage, networking, and database resources for a given application or workload is known as cloud resource selection.
  • Setting up the necessary operating system, applications, and security settings for the cloud resources is known as configuration.
  • Providing users and apps with the appropriate rights to access the cloud resources is known as "enabling access to the resources."

Challenges Of Provisioning In Cloud Computing

Some of the challenges of provisioning in cloud computing include:

  • Complexity- With a vast array of resources and services at their disposal, cloud computing systems may be complicated. This might make it challenging to choose and set up the appropriate resources for the task.
  • Security and compliance- Businesses must make sure that their cloud resources are adequately safeguarded and in accordance with all applicable laws.
  • Cost control- To prevent overspending, it's critical to keep a close eye on how cloud resources are used and how much they cost.

Best Practices For Provisioning In Cloud Computing

Here are some best practices for provisioning in cloud computing:

  • Employ automated provisioning solutions- By streamlining and simplifying the provisioning process, these technologies may reduce mistakes and save time.
  • Describe provisioning policies- Consistent and effective resource provisioning may be achieved with the support of provisioning policies.
  • Track resource consumption and expenses- In order to prevent overspending, it's critical to track cloud resource utilization and expenses closely.
  • Put in place security and compliance measures- In order to safeguard their cloud resources, organizations must put in place the necessary security and compliance procedures.

An integral component of cloud computing is provisioning. Businesses may maximize their investments in cloud computing by learning about the various forms of provisioning and how to automate it.

Different Types Of Provisioning In Cloud Computing

There are three main types of provisioning in cloud computing:

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) Provisioning

The process of assigning and setting up networking, storage, and physical or virtual servers is known as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provisioning. Businesses that want a high level of control over their cloud environment usually employ IaaS provisioning.

Examples of IaaS provisioning:

  • Provisioning a virtual server to host a web application
  • Provisioning a cloud-based storage solution to store and backup data
  • Provisioning a load balancer to distribute traffic across multiple servers

Platform As A Service (PaaS) Provisioning

The process of assigning and configuring runtime environments, middleware services, and development environments is known as PaaS provisioning. Businesses that wish to concentrate on creating and implementing apps rather than worrying about maintaining the underlying infrastructure often employ PaaS provisioning.

Examples of PaaS provisioning:

  • Provisioning a development environment to build and test a new application
  • Provisioning a runtime environment to deploy and run an application
  • Provisioning a middleware service to provide support for an application, such as a database or messaging service

Software As A Service (SaaS) Provisioning

The act of assigning and setting up access to cloud-based apps is known as SaaS provisioning. Businesses which wish to utilize cloud-based apps without installing or managing them on-premises usually employ SaaS provisioning.

Examples of SaaS provisioning:

  • Provisioning access to a cloud-based CRM system
  • Provisioning access to a cloud-based email system
  • Provisioning access to a cloud-based office suite

Choosing The Right Provisioning

The best kind of provisioning for you will rely on your unique demands and specifications. IaaS provisioning is the ideal choice if you want a high level of control over your cloud environment. PaaS provisioning is the ideal choice if you want to concentrate on creating and implementing apps rather than worrying about overseeing the underlying infrastructure. SaaS provisioning is your best bet if you want to use cloud-based apps without having to install or maintain them locally.

An essential component of cloud computing is provisioning. You may maximize your cloud computing expenditures by being aware of the various provisioning kinds and knowing which type is best for you.

What Are The Benefits Of Cloud Provisioning?

Cloud provisioning preview
Cloud provisioning preview

Cloud provisioning offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Scalability- Cloud provisioning enables businesses to optimize expenses and save money by enabling them to scale up or down their resources as needed. An organization could, for instance, cut back resources when demand is lower and supply more during peak times.
  • Agility- Cloud provisioning enables businesses to be more adaptable and quick to adjust to changing demands. An company can promptly allocate more resources, for instance, to facilitate the launch of a new product or meet unforeseen demand.
  • Savings- Cloud provisioning can assist businesses in reducing the cost of their IT infrastructure. This is so that businesses may avoid the up-front expenses associated with buying and maintaining their own gear and software and just pay for the resources they actually use.
  • Efficiency gain- By automating labor-intensive operations, cloud provisioning may assist businesses in increasing their efficiency. Cloud provisioning technologies, for instance, have the ability to automatically provide new resources as needed and decommission resources as needed.
  • Self-service- Self-service features are frequently included in cloud provisioning, enabling users to supply resources as needed without involving IT. Time may be saved and output raised by doing this.

Depending on the type of provisioning employed, cloud provisioning can provide particular benefits in addition to these broad ones. For instance, by giving businesses more control over their infrastructure, IaaS provisioning may assist them in enhancing security and compliance. PaaS provisioning, which offers pre-configured environments, can assist enterprises speed up their development and deployment processes. SaaS provisioning gives businesses access to cloud-based apps, which can help them minimize their IT effort.

All things considered, cloud provisioning has a lot to offer businesses that may save costs, increase productivity, and become more flexible.

Here are some specific examples of how organizations have benefited from cloud provisioning:

  • During the holiday season, a retail firm utilized cloud provisioning to scale its resources up and down. In addition to saving the business money on IT expenses, this made guaranteed that the website could manage the heavy traffic.
  • In order to support its rapid expansion, a startup employed cloud provisioning to swiftly supply new resources. This facilitated the company's ability to meet client demand and launch its product more swiftly.
  • Cloud provisioning helped a financial services organization strengthen its compliance and security measures. The company's increased control over its infrastructure allowed it to better secure its data and adhere to industry standards.
  • Cloud provisioning was employed by a software development business to shorten the time between development and deployment. The organization was able to accelerate the deployment of new apps to production by utilizing pre-configured environments.
  • Cloud provisioning helped a small firm cut down on its IT workload. The organization was able to do away with the need to buy and maintain its own gear and software by utilizing cloud-based apps.

Cloud provisioning is a crucial factor to take into account if you're thinking about employing cloud computing. You may select the best option for your needs and requirements by being aware of the advantages of cloud provisioning and the many kinds of provisioning that are accessible.

How To Automate Provisioning

Cloud provisioning can be automated using a variety of tools and technologies. Some common examples include:

  • IaC tools (infrastructure as code)- they enable you to specify your infrastructure as code, which may be used to automate the provisioning process. Ansible, CloudFormation, and Terraform are a few of the well-known IaC tools.
  • Platforms for container orchestration- You may utilize platforms for container orchestration, such Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, to automate the provisioning and administration of containerized applications.
  • Platforms for cloud management (CMPs)- Provisioning is only one of the many cloud operations that can be automated using CMPs, which also offer a single view of your cloud resources. CloudHealth, CloudBolt, and Morpheus Data are a few well-known CMPs.

To automate provisioning, you will typically need to:

  • Describe the needs for your application or infrastructure- Including the kind and quantity of resources needed as well as the security and compliance requirements.
  • Select a platform or tool for provisioning- Choose a platform or tool based on your needs and specifications.
  • Set up the platform or provisioning tool- Give the platform or tool the data it requires to supply your resources.
  • Construct templates for provisioning- Make provisioning templates that specify the resources to be provisioned and their desired configurations.
  • Make the provisioning procedure automatic- The provisioning templates can be scheduled to run automatically or triggered in response to specific events, such the creation of a new user or the deployment of a new application.

Without needing to manually setup additional resources, you may provision them fast and easily after the provisioning process has been automated. In addition to saving you a great deal of time and work, this can also assist to lower mistakes.

Here are some specific examples of how to automate provisioning using different tools and technologies:

  • Terraform- Virtual machines, storage, networking, and other cloud resources may all be provisioned automatically with the help of this well-known Infrastructure as a Service (IaC) platform. You must first construct a Terraform configuration file containing the resources you wish to supply in order to automate provisioning using Terraform. After that, you can run the configuration file and supply the resources using the Terraform CLI.
  • Ansible - Another well-liked Infrastructure as a Service (IaC) technology that may be used to automate cloud resource provisioning is Ansible. To specify the resources you wish to supply and their configuration, Ansible utilizes a playbook. After that, you can run the playbook and provide the resources using the Ansible CLI.
  • CloudFormation - AWS-specific IaC tool called CloudFormation may be used to automate the provisioning of AWS resources. You must first develop a CloudFormation template that specifies the resources you wish to supply in order to automate provisioning using CloudFormation. Subsequently, you may deploy the template and supply the resources using the CloudFormation CLI or interface.
  • Kubernetes - Automating the provisioning and maintenance of containerized applications is possible using Kubernetes, a platform for container orchestration. You must first construct a Kubernetes deployment YAML file that specifies the containerized application you wish to deploy in order to automate provisioning using Kubernetes. After that, you may apply the deployment YAML file and launch the application using the Kubernetes CLI.
  • CloudHealth- A CMP that may be used to automate provisioning and other cloud processes is called CloudHealth. You would first need to develop a CloudHealth provisioning policy in order to automate provisioning. After that, you can apply the provisioning policy and provide the resources using the CloudHealth console.

You may decrease mistakes, save time and effort, and boost the effectiveness of your cloud management operations by automating provisioning.

What Tools And Software Are Used In Cloud Provisioning?

There are a variety of tools and software that can be used for cloud provisioning. Some of the most popular tools include:

IaC Tools

With the use of IaC tools, you may specify your infrastructure in code, enabling the provisioning process to be automated. In addition to saving you a great deal of time and work, this can also assist to lower mistakes.

IaC Tools preview
IaC Tools preview

Popular IaC tools include:

  • Terraform- Virtual machines, storage, networking, and other cloud resources may all be provisioned automatically with the help of this well-known Infrastructure as a Service (IaC) platform.
  • Ansible - Another well-liked Infrastructure as a Service (IaC) technology that may be used to automate cloud resource provisioning is Ansible. To specify the resources you wish to supply and their configuration, Ansible utilizes a playbook.
  • CloudFormation - AWS-specific IaC tool called CloudFormation may be used to automate the provisioning of AWS resources.

Container Orchestration Platforms

Containerized application provisioning and administration may be automated with container orchestration technologies like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. Applications that are containerized come pre-packaged with all the resources they require to function, making deployment and management simple.

Popular container orchestration platforms include:

  • Kubernetes - The provisioning and maintenance of containerized applications may be automated at scale with the help of Kubernetes, a well-liked container orchestration platform.
  • Docker Swarm - Another well-liked container orchestration tool for automating the provisioning and administration of containerized workloads is Docker Swarm.

Cloud Management Platforms (CMPs)

Provisioning is only one of the many cloud operations that can be automated using CMPs, which also offer a single view of your cloud resources. Additionally, CMPs may assist you in controlling your cloud expenses and enhancing your overall security posture.

Popular CMPs include:

  • CloudHealth- A CMP that can be used to automate cost management, security, and provisioning among other cloud operations is called CloudHealth.
  • CloudBolt - Another CMP that may be used to automate a range of cloud functions, including as provisioning, cost management, and security, is called CloudBolt.
  • Morpheus Data- This CMP may be used to automate a range of cloud-related processes, including as security, cost control, and provisioning.

The appropriate program or tool for you will rely on your unique demands and specifications. Ansible or Terraform are two excellent options if you're searching for an IaC solution that can automate the provisioning of various cloud services. An excellent choice if you're searching for a solution to automate the provisioning and maintenance of containerized applications is a container orchestration platform like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. A CMP like CloudHealth, CloudBolt, or Morpheus Data is a fantastic choice if you're searching for a solution that can automate a range of cloud processes and provide you a uniform picture of your cloud resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Provisioning In Cloud Computing In Geeksforgeeks?

The allocation of resources and services from a cloud provider to a customer is known as resource provisioning in cloud computing, sometimes called cloud provisioning.

What Is Provisioning And Deployment?

Provisioning and deployment: A lot of the time, people who work in or around IT use the two terms interchangeably. But they don't mean the same thing. At a high level, provisioning is the act of getting a device ready for a user. Deployment is the whole process of getting a device to a user.

What Is Provisioning A Device?

The term provisioning for a device means to evolve a device to a state in which it can be handed off to an end-user, or end-user team, for their specific use in a functional manner. In general, provisioning means providing or making something available.


Provisioning in cloud computing, an essential component of cloud computing, distributes and sets up resources to satisfy organizational demands. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the three primary categories. IaC, CMPs, and container platforms are examples of automation solutions that increase productivity and decrease mistakes.

Selecting the appropriate tool relies on several requirements. A few well-liked choices include Morpheus Data, CloudHealth, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, and CloudFormation. Cloud investment optimization comes from automating and comprehending provisioning.

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