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How To Fix The Internet And Get Back Online

Learn how to fix the internet: Troubleshoot common issues and get your connection back up and running smoothly with our helpful tips.

Oct 27, 20239.7K Shares149.4K ViewsWritten By: Tyrone Jackson
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  1. What Is The Internet?
  2. The Importance Of The Internet
  3. Wifi Connected But No Internet?
  4. Common Reasons Why The Internet Is Not Working
  5. How To Fix The Internet - 9 Ways To Troubleshoot
  6. How To Fix The Internet - FAQs
  7. Conclusion
How To Fix The Internet And Get Back Online

The Internet has become an integral part of everyone's lives, transforming the way you communicate, work, and access information. However, it has its challenges. Slow connections, security threats, and digital divides are just a few of the challenges that users face.

Here, you will explore the various aspects ofhow to fix the Internet, from improving connectivity and speed to enhancing security and addressing digital inequalities. By the end, you'll have a comprehensive guide to making the Internet a better place for everyone.

Close Up of Plugged Cables
Close Up of Plugged Cables

What Is The Internet?

The Internet is a vast global network of interconnected computer networks. It comprises a multitude of hardware, software, and protocols that enable the transmission and exchange of data across the world. Understanding the components of the Internet is essential to appreciate its significance;

Network Of Networks

The Internet is a network of networks. Individual networks, whether local or global, connect to form the Internet. This decentralized structure ensures redundancy and reliability.


The Internet operates on a set of standardized protocols, such as TCP/IP, HTTP, and FTP, which dictate how data is transmitted, received, and processed.

Worldwide Reach

The Internet transcends geographical boundaries, making it a global phenomenon. It connects billions of devices worldwide, from smartphones and computers to servers and IoT devices.

The Importance Of The Internet

The Internet's significance cannot be overstated, as it permeates various aspects of modern life. Its importance is reflected in several key areas:

Communication And Connectivity

Instant Communication

The Internet enables real-time communication through email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media platforms, bringing people closer regardless of their physical locations.

Global Reach

It connects people, businesses, and organizations on a global scale, fostering international collaboration, trade, and cultural exchange.

Information Access And Sharing

Knowledge Repository

The Internet hosts an immense repository of information, making knowledge accessible to anyone with a connection. It revolutionizes education, research, and access to information.

User-Generated Content

Platforms like Wikipedia, YouTube, and social media sites allow users to create and share content, democratizing the flow of information.

Economic And Business Impact


The Internet has given rise to e-commerce, facilitating online shopping, digital payments, and the growth of global marketplaces like Amazon and Alibaba.

Remote Work

It enables remote work and telecommuting, providing flexibility and allowing businesses to tap into a global talent pool.

Cables Connected to Ethernet Ports
Cables Connected to Ethernet Ports

Wifi Connected But No Internet?

There may be a problem with your internet signal if you are connected to wifi but are still unable to access the Internet. The same applies if you can't use a wired connection to access the Internet. First, try these remedies.

Restart Your Modem, Router, And Device

If you are having trouble with your internet signal, you should restart your modem and router right away. Do not omit this phase! Since it often resolves the issue, this is what tech support would advise you to try first.

Unplug the power cord for 60 seconds, then plug it back in to restart your device. Rebooting the equipment will take a while. Restarting the computer or other device in use is also a good idea.

Check Your Cables And Wires

Repeated tension often causes wires and cables to become loose or broken. Your modem receives internet service via one of three types of wires: coaxial (also used for cable TV), Ethernet, or phone. If you have spare lines, switching them all out is the best approach to troubleshoot wires.

If not, be sure to connect these wires to both your wall outlet and the modem. When properly placed into a socket, phone, and Ethernet wires should make a clicking sound. Coaxial cables need to be tightly fastened on.

Check for damage as well. Check to see whether the cable seems to be torn or even pet-chewed. Due to the very tiny copper wires within, phone and Ethernet cables are particularly vulnerable to damage.

White Switch Hub Turned on
White Switch Hub Turned on

Common Reasons Why The Internet Is Not Working

Even if the Wi-Fi sign indicates that you are connected, there are a variety of reasons why you may not be able to access the Internet. Although a loose cable or a problem with your router or modem are the most frequent causes, more technical issues may also prevent your Internet from working.

This is a fantastic opportunity to evaluate your degree of online safety since internet connection issues might also be connected to internet security. Once you've fixed your internet problems, make sure to install the most excellent internet security program. Here are a few of the most frequent causes of faulty wifi:

Modem And Router Issues

Your modem, router, or other device is most likely to blame when your home internet stops working. Often, the answer is as easy as restarting your equipment by disconnecting it, giving it about ten seconds to settle, then putting it back in and letting it reset. This will almost always stop your outage.

Instead of clicking or holding any buttons on the router, It is suggested to reduce power by disconnecting it before resuming it. By doing so, you can cause a hard reset of the device, wiping out your Wi-Fi network settings and restoring it to its default settings. Although the reset will probably fix your internet connection, you'll also need to set up your wifi once again.

Internet Service Provider Outages

Inaccuracies or maintenance issues may cause your ISP's connection to drop. Contacting the business is the most straightforward approach to check for an ISP outage. Wait it out if your ISP is experiencing a difficulty; it will be fixed shortly. Additionally, your internet service provider (ISP) may decide to slow down your internet speed deliberately. It would be best if you understood how to get past ISP throttling, which is what is happening right now.

Low Internet Speed

Your ability to do necessary tasks may be improved if your internet connection is more active. There are several causes of slow internet connections, and there are numerous methods to increase internet speed.

For instance, if you're uploading or downloading big files, your internet speed may decrease. While you upload or download, valuable bandwidth is taken away from your surfing. The same is true for CPU-intensive tasks; although not network issues, they may slow down how quickly your website loads.

Bandwidth Taken Up By Multiple Users

Speaking of capacity, household members who stream, download, play games, or do other bandwidth-intensive activities may cause network congestion, which can slow down your Internet to a crawl.

Physical Distance From Your Router Or Modem

Your internet speed may suffer if your gadget is too far away from your network or modem. To increase the range of your connection, consider relocating closer to your router or purchasing Wi-Fi extender equipment. Additionally, make an effort to reduce the distance between you and the internet-connected gadget.

Hacking Or Network Issues

Malware or hacking might cause your Internet to stop operating. Debilitating your Internet serves as a motivation for hackers since it makes it more difficult for you to protect yourself. Additionally, some malware is designed to cryptojack your data and bandwidth in order to mine cryptocurrencies.

These days, network security is more important than ever, so always use top-notch internet security software. Be careful to educate yourself on router hack prevention as well. You may lose internet access due to a network issue that is not malicious, such as a DNS cache that has to be flushed.

Weather Conditions

You all know that storms may destroy electricity lines, but the weather can also slow down your Internet, even if nothing is really broken. For instance, rain and humidity might obstruct signals.

Internet issues caused by the weather may take many different shapes. The only option is often to wait for the weather to clear up and your internet connection to come back.

Electronics Engineer Fixing Cables on Server
Electronics Engineer Fixing Cables on Server

How To Fix The Internet - 9 Ways To Troubleshoot

Any professional company that has internet connection problems risks client complaints, lost income, and diminished productivity. Internet outages are expensive, sometimes costing up to $5,600 every minute.

The financial performance of your organization might be dramatically impacted by a few minutes of wifi or internet connection troubles. Due to these possible outcomes, you must arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and abilities to troubleshoot and address the issue head-on.

Check For Physical Connectivity Issues

Simple issues like a modem, router, or network cable that is loose or disconnected sometimes cause an internet connection to drop. Your computer's wireless network interface card can be off if you're connected to a wireless network. To verify your wifi settings, go to Settings > Network & Internet > wifi and then toggle wifi to the "On" position.

Check the settings that switch wifi on and off to make sure it's turned on before surfing from your phone or tablet. Check the Ethernet wires that connect to your router for wired connections. Try replacing any problematic cables with fresh ones or switching ports if you have any suspicions that they are to blame.

Restart The Router

Resetting the router may assist with problems with internet access. A short restart may restore functionality to your router if it has been off for a while. A router or modem's hardware and software components may sometimes malfunction for a number of reasons. Similar to how your computer has to be rebooted sometimes to clear cache and refresh ongoing programs.

Rebooting your network may solve connection problems, but if you find yourself having to do it often (daily, several times per week), you may need a new modem or router. A call to your neighborhood ISP could be required in this situation.

Evaluate Software Problems

Stringent firewall regulations or security guidelines can cause your connection problems. For instance, many modern antivirus programs, including Norton and Malwarebytes, come with network intrusion prevention, which functions as a software firewall to filter and stop unwanted activity.

Two software firewalls, such as Windows Firewall and a personal, third-party firewall, installed on the same machine may conflict and inadvertently restrict communication. Consider temporarily turning off your firewall if you recently updated or installed one on your computer to see if it resolves the connection problem.

Check If You're Outside The Wireless Signal Range

You should be aware that the performance of your Wi-Fi connection relies on how close your wireless access point is to your device. The internet connection will get slower the farther away you are from a Wi-Fi network or wireless access point, and any more drift will end in a complete collapse. The effective range of the Wi-Fi connection may also need to be improved by signal interference in your area.

Check Service Isn't Being Blocked

Due to non-payment or a breach of the provider's terms of service, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may sometimes decide to ban access from your account. It's simple to forget to keep your membership updated if you use premium hotspots that charge hourly or daily.

Other times, if you go over your bandwidth allotment, download improper or illegal information, or send spam emails, your ISP may block your account. It is always advisable to call your ISP as soon as you believe your account has been suspended, even though the majority of internet service providers will alert you by default when you are attempting to access a website if your account has been stopped.

Open Windows Network Diagnostics And Check Your DNS Settings

Users may resolve internet connection difficulties using Windows' Windows Network Diagnostics tool. To check the status, navigate to Windows Settings > Network & Internet. Then click Network Troubleshooter under Network Settings.

Then, the Windows Network Diagnostics program will perform a few checks to identify any potential causes of your internet connection problems. Windows will provide you with a list of possible measures to take to restore your connection if any issues are found.

Reboot The Computer

The operating system software that controls the adapter is prone to failure. This is why restarting your computer is usually a good idea since you can clear the cache and make sure the settings are up to date.

This occurs regularly, you notice. You sometimes anticipate a solution to work after making all the necessary adjustments, but for some reason, it does not. The repairs are indeed implemented once the machine is restarted.

Contact Your Internet Service Provider

If you use satellite internet, you can find that the connection is less dependable when there are severe weather conditions. In highly populated metropolitan regions, internet service providers and cellular internet carriers sometimes struggle to handle network traffic peaks that result in periodic outages for specific customers. Your ISP most likely has knowledgeable guidance if you're having trouble determining the cause of your inability to connect to the Internet.

Reach Out To IT Professionals

After exhausting all other options, it is recommended to contact a reputable IT support service to solve your problem and restore your connection before the outage negatively impairs your business operations. Even if there could be some form of service charge involved, it will ultimately be beneficial given the impending loss of revenue and labor hours.

How To Fix The Internet - FAQs

Why Is My Internet Connection So Slow?

Numerous problems, such as having too many open programs, being too far away from your network, having a congested hard drive, having too many devices sharing the same connection, or even malware, might slow down your internet connection.

Why Is My Internet Not Working After Reset?

The following factors might contribute to this problem: - The switch for the wireless network adapter is not on. - Problems with the WEP, WPA, or WPA2 security key or password. - Cables are not properly attached.

Why Is My Internet So Slow, But The Speed Test Is Fast?

It's possible that specific tools can't accurately gauge the internet service's speed. Your Wi-Fi router may not support the total rate of your service.

What Is A Good Internet Speed?

For two or more connected devices using the Internet moderately to heavily, the FCC defines a satisfactory Internet speed as at least 12 megabits per second (Mbps) of download speed, and for four or more connected devices, at least 25 Mbps.

How Can I Check My Internet Connection?

Choose Network & Internet under Settings. Your network connection's status will be shown at the top.


So, the answer to How to fix the Internet is that it is a multifaceted challenge, but it's essential for creating a more inclusive, secure, and connected online world. Improving infrastructure, speeding up connections, enhancing security, and bridging the digital divide are critical steps in this process.

By working together, governments, organizations, and individuals can make the Internet a better place for everyone. In doing so, you can unlock the full potential of the Internet as a tool for education, communication, innovation, and progress.

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