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Cyber Security Subscription Business To Protect Your Data

A cyber security subscription business acts as a stalwart shield against a myriad of cyber threats, providing continuous monitoring, threat detection, and proactive response mechanisms.

Dec 26, 202331.6K Shares480K ViewsWritten By: Tyrone Jackson
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  1. What Is Cyber Security?
  2. Top 10 Most Common Types Of Cybersecurity Attacks
  3. The Different Types Of Cybersecurity
  4. 5 Reasons To Choose Cyber Security Subscription Business
  5. FAQs About Cyber Security Subscription Business
  6. Final Words
Cyber Security Subscription Business To Protect Your Data

In an era dominated by digital transformation, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. As businesses increasingly rely on technology for their day-to-day operations, the need for comprehensive cybersecurity solutions has given rise to a unique model, the Cyber Security Subscription Business.

This article delves into the intricacies of this emerging paradigm, exploring its significance, challenges, and the key factors driving its growth.

What Is Cyber Security?

Man in Black Hoodie Having a Video Call
Man in Black Hoodie Having a Video Call

Cyber security protects computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data against hackers. Information technology security or electronic information security are other names. The word has many common categories and is used in business and mobile computing.

Network security protects a computer network against targeted attacks or opportunistic viruses. Application security protects software and devices. A hacked app might expose protected data. Before deploying a software or device, security must be designed.

Data integrity and privacy are protected in storage and transport by information security. Operations security encompasses data asset management and protection choices. This includes network access rights and data storage and sharing policies.

An organization reacts to a cyber-security attack or other catastrophe that disrupts operations or data with disaster recovery and business continuity. Disaster recovery rules govern how an organization returns operations and data to pre-event levels. Business continuity is the organization's backup strategy for missing resources.

End-user education addresses humans, the most unexpected cyber-security aspect. By not following security protocols, anybody may accidentally infect a secure system. Organizational security depends on teaching people to remove suspect email attachments, not plug in unfamiliar USB devices, and other vital lessons.

The Importance Of Cyber Security

An unprecedented quantity of data is collected, processed, and stored on computers and other devices by government, military, business, financial, and medical entities, making cyber security a critical issue.

A large chunk of the data may be considered sensitive, including information on people, their finances, intellectual property, or any number of other things that may suffer severe consequences in the event of unlawful access or disclosure.

As part of their daily operations, organizations send sensitive data to various devices and networks; cyber security is the field that focuses on preserving this data and the systems that handle it.

Organizations and businesses, particularly those charged with protecting sensitive data like health records, financial records, or national security documents, must take precautions to secure their sensitive employee and company information from the increasing number and complexity of cyber assaults.

Cyber assaults and digital surveillance pose a greater danger to national security than terrorism, according to the nation's senior intelligence officers, who issued a warning about this as early as March 2013.

A Cyber Text on a Man's Face
A Cyber Text on a Man's Face

Top 10 Most Common Types Of Cybersecurity Attacks

Malware Attack

The word "malware" is employed since "mal" refers to any destructive program. Once installed, malware changes system behavior deletes data, or eavesdrops on user or network activities. Malware may spread or remain on one device, impacting just that device.

According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 reached a record high of $4.45 million.

SQL injection, Trojan horses, phishing, ransomware, drive-by attacks, and XSS may be employed in various attack strategies.

Malware attacks need to target device software installation. This requires user involvement. Users should be educated to avoid specific software, examine links before clicking, avoid certain emails and attachments, and use firewalls that can detect malware.

Birthday Attack

Birthday attacks exploit hash algorithms, which check message authenticity. The recipient verifies the message's authenticity using the hash algorithm, a digital signature.

A hacker can substitute the sender's message with their own if they can construct a hash that matches. With the appropriate hash, the receiving device will accept it.

The “birthday attack” relates to the birthday paradox, which states that more than 50% of 23 persons in a room share the exact birthdate. Thus, birthdays, like hashes, are not as unique as people imagine.

Verification hashes should be longer to avoid birthday assaults. The probability of finding a matched hash drop with each additional digit.

Eavesdropping Attacks

Bad actors intercept network communications in eavesdropping attacks. An attacker may steal usernames, passwords, and credit card information this way, active or passive eavesdropping.

Active eavesdropping involves inserting software into the network traffic channel to gather data for analysis. Passive eavesdropping attacks include hackers "listening in" on communications to obtain data.

MITM attacks include active and passive eavesdropping. Data encryption is one of the most excellent methods to prevent hackers from using it, whether they utilize active or passive eavesdropping.

XSS Attacks

XSS attacks send malicious scripts to the target's browser via clickable content. The victim executes the script by clicking the content. Since the user is logged into a web application's session, their input is valid. However, the attacker tweaked the script, causing the “user” to act unintentionally.

XSS attacks may alter online banking transfer request parameters. In the fake request, the attacker's name replaces the money recipient's. The attacker may modify the transfer amount to get more money than the victim planned.

Whitelisting entities is a simple technique to avoid XSS attacks. Thus, the online application will only accept authorized inputs. Sanitizing checks input data for hazardous content.

Drive-by Attacks

Drive-by attacks include hackers embedding malware on unsecured websites. The software automatically infects computers when users visit the site. Drive by” refers to the fact that the victim only needs to visit the site to get infected. Nobody has to click or type anything on the site.

Users should update any software on their computers, including Adobe Acrobat and Flash, which are utilized when accessing the internet, to prevent drive-by assaults. You may also employ web-filtering software to block harmful sites before users view them.

Trojan Horses

Trojan horse attacks hide a harmful application within a genuine one. After the user runs the seemingly harmless software, the Trojan virus might open a backdoor for hackers to enter the machine or network.

This danger is named after the Greek warriors who concealed in a horse to gain control of Troy and win the battle. After the “gift” was accepted and transported into Troy, Greek warriors leaped out and attacked. An ignorant user may install a harmless-looking program that has a concealed hazard.

Users should not download or install anything without verifying its source to avoid Trojan attacks. NGFWs may also scan data packets for Trojans.

Brute Force Attack

The word brute-force comes from its straightforward, “brutish” technique. The attacker guesses a target system user's login credentials. Once they succeed, they're in.

This may seem tedious, but attackers routinely utilize bots to break passwords. The attacker gives the bot a set of credentials they believe will get them into the secure area. The attacker waits as the bot tries each one. The crook obtains access after entering the necessary credentials.

Your authorization security architecture should include lock-out controls to avoid brute-force assaults. The user is locked out after a certain number of tries to input credentials. This usually includes “freezing” the account so others cannot escape the lockout from a different device or IP address.

Random passwords without words, dates, or numbers are also brilliant. This works because an attacker using software to guess a 10-digit password will need years of non-stop attempts to succeed.

Session Hijacking

Among the many forms of man-in-the-middle attacks is session hijacking. The attacker hijacks a client-server session. By changing its Internet Protocol (IP) address to match the client's, the malicious computer may trick the server into thinking it is chatting with the client while, in fact, it is conversing with the attacker.

The server's reliance on the client's IP address for authentication makes this kind of attack viable. Since the server is already in a trusted connection, it could not detect a breach if the attacker's IP address is added halfway through the session.

Connecting to mission-critical servers for your company requires a VPN to avoid session hijacking. In this manner, the VPN encrypts all data transmissions and prevents eavesdropping.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks include hostile actors sending emails that are from reputable sources to steal critical information. Phishing attacks utilize social engineering and technology to “fish” for access to a restricted area using an apparently trustworthy sender as bait.

The lousy actor may provide a link to a website that tricks you into downloading malware or providing them with your personal information. Often, the victim is unaware they have been penetrated, allowing the attacker to target others in the same company without suspicion.

Consider the emails and links you open to avoid phishing attempts. Check email headers and avoid dodgy links. Verify “Reply-to” and “Return-path.” Connections must match the email domain.

MITM Attacks

Cyberattacks of the man-in-the-middle (MITM) kind allow an adversary to intercept data in transit between two entities, whether that be individuals, networks, or computers.

The perpetrator of this "man in the middle" assault takes up position between the two sides attempting to communicate, thus the name. By doing so, the assailant is eavesdropping on the two people's interactions.

Both sides in a man-in-the-middle assault pretend to be having a regular conversation. The sender secretly makes changes or gains access to the communication before it reaches its recipient, which they are unaware of.

Using a virtual private network (VPN) or implementing robust encryption on access points are two approaches to safeguard yourself and your company against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

Man in Black Hoodie Sitting on Chair
Man in Black Hoodie Sitting on Chair

The Different Types Of Cybersecurity

Network Security

Network security solutions aim to detect and prevent threats that happen via networks. Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Identity Access Management (IAM), Network Access Control (NAC), and Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) application controls are part of these technologies, which aim to enforce safe online usage regulations.

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV), Sandboxing, and Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR) are some of the sophisticated and multi-layered technologies used to prevent threats to networks. Network analytics, threat hunting, and automated SOAR (Security Orchestration and Response) technologies are very significant as well.

Cloud Security

Securing the cloud is becoming more important as more and more enterprises use cloud computing. To safeguard an organization's whole cloud deployment (applications, data, infrastructure, etc.) from assault, a cloud security plan incorporates cyber security solutions, controls, policies, and services.

While many cloud providers do provide some security, more is needed to meet the needs of enterprise-level cloud security. To further safeguard cloud environments against data breaches and targeted assaults, more third-party solutions are required.

Endpoint Security

No matter where your data resides, the zero-trust security paradigm recommends dividing it up into smaller, more manageable pieces. With a mobile workforce, endpoint security is one approach to do this.

Data and network security controls, sophisticated threat prevention tools like anti-phishing and anti-ransomware, and forensics technologies like endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions are all part of endpoint security, which allows businesses to protect end-user devices like desktops and laptops.

Mobile Security

Tablets and smartphones, which are often disregarded, may access company data and put companies at risk from IM (Instant Messaging) assaults, zero-day vulnerabilities, phishing, and harmful software.

Protecting mobile devices and operating systems against malicious assaults like rooting and jailbreaking is the job of mobile security software. When integrated with an MDM (Mobile Device Management) system, this allows businesses to restrict access to company assets to compliant mobile devices.

IoT Security

While there's no doubt that IoT devices boost productivity, there are also new security dangers that businesses face as a result. Criminals looking to get unauthorized access to a company network or create a bot in a worldwide bot network target unsuspecting devices that are accidentally linked to the Internet.

IPS acts as a virtual patch to prevent attacks against susceptible IoT devices, auto-segmentation controls network operations and discovers and classifies connected devices. These measures constitute IoT security. To further protect devices against vulnerabilities and runtime assaults, it is possible to add tiny agents to the firmware.

Application Security

Web apps are susceptible to cyberattacks just like any other device or system linked to the Internet. Critical online application security problems, including injection, weak authentication, misconfiguration, and cross-site scripting, have been monitored by OWASP since 2007.

It is possible to prevent the top ten threats listed by OWASP using application security. Bot attacks and other harmful interactions with APIs and apps may be stopped via application security. Apps will continue to be secured with continuous learning, even as DevOps produces new material.

Zero Trust

The conventional view of security is to fortify an organization's most prized assets with fortifications, much like a fortress. Nevertheless, there are a number of problems with this strategy, including the fact that the network perimeter might quickly dissolve and the possibility of insider attacks.

With more and more companies embracing cloud computing and allowing employees to work remotely, a fresh strategy for protecting company assets is required. Protecting individual resources is the goal of zero trust security, which employs a mix of micro-segmentation, monitoring, and role-based access restrictions to achieve this goal.

A Computer Monitor
A Computer Monitor

5 Reasons To Choose Cyber Security Subscription Business

Software subscriptions are quickly replacing more conventional software licensing methods, and more and more businesses are making the switch. With its many advantages over the traditional software licensing model, software subscriptions might be the ideal option for buying cybersecurity solutions and platforms.

Verizonreports that human error is responsible for 74 percent of cybersecurity breaches.

Lower Initial Costs

Purchasing or licensing the program does not need an initial significant payment. Paying a regular charge (monthly or annually) gives you access to cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and features via software subscription models. You may free up capital for other critical company costs by lowering your initial investment.


By subscribing to cybersecurity software, you may adapt its use to your evolving demands and budget. Never again will you have to fret about shelling out more cash for unnecessary software updates or add-ons. Feel free to customize your experience by adding or removing individuals, devices, features, and services.

Predictable And Transparent Pricing

Software subscription models provide clear and predictable pricing. You are informed about the features and services you will get for each payment, whether it's monthly or annually. You can better plan and manage your money with this clarity.

Continuous Updates And Support

The most up-to-date software architectures and agile development procedures are always used by software suppliers who offer subscription models. As a result, you will get access to software updates and patches on a regular basis. The software supplier handles all of the necessary tasks for you, such as installing updates, correcting problems, and dealing with compatibility concerns.

Early Adoption Of Innovations

Some suppliers provide an innovation track in their subscription business with ongoing software updates and fixes. The option to constantly use the so-called "main stable version" or to pick the most recent version with new innovative features is available to customers.

FAQs About Cyber Security Subscription Business

Can I Make A Business From Cyber Security?

Robust cybersecurity solutions are needed due to rising cyber threats and data breaches. Starting a cybersecurity firm may be exciting and profitable if you love technology and want to safeguard people and organizations from cyberattacks.

Which Industry Is Best For Cyber Security?

Information services, computer manufacturing, and financial services (including commodities, investments, and securities) ranked first and second, respectively, for the highest salaries for these workers in 2021.

How Much Does The Cyber Security Package Cost?

Prices typically range from $400 at the low end to $6,000 at the high end.

Is Cyber Security A Lot Of Money?

Information security analysts earn a median yearly income of $102,600 in 2021, according to BLS statistics. This occupation is prevalent in the cybersecurity industry.

Who Hires The Most Cyber Security?

Deloitte may hire the most cybersecurity analysts. Deloitte, with over 300,000 workers, offers audits, consulting, financial risk analysis, risk management, and other services globally.

Final Words

The Cyber Security Subscription Business is the linchpin for a secure digital future, offering tailored solutions and fostering collaboration to fortify organizations against evolving threats. It goes beyond a service – it's a strategic imperative for safeguarding data, ensuring operational continuity, and upholding stakeholder trust in our interconnected world.

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