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How To Achieve Secure By Design Principles

The writing agencies strongly urge all tech companies to make their products in a way that keeps customers from having to constantly watch, update, and fix problems on their systems to protect them from cyberattacks. In this article, we will talk about how to achieve secure by design principles in detail.

Feb 21, 20241.7K Shares84.7K ViewsWritten By: Tyrone Jackson
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  1. What Is Security By Design?
  2. How To Apply Security Design Principles To Protect Your Systems?
  3. Benefits Of Implementing Secure-By-Design Principles
  4. How Can Secure Coding Standards Contribute To Secure By Design?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Conclusion

Technology is used in almost every part of daily life. Critical systems that affect our economic well-being, ways of making a living, and even our health are linked to systems that are visible to the internet. These systems include medical care and personal identity management.

For instance, cyberattacks have caused hospitals to stop treatments and move patient care around the world. Technology that isn't secure and holes in critical systems can let bad people into them, which can pose serious safety risks.

It is more important than ever for tech companies to make Secure-by-Design and Secure-by-Default the main goals of the product design and development processes. While some companies have done a lot to move the software assurance business forward, others still need to catch up.

The writing agencies strongly urge all tech companies to make their products in a way that keeps customers from having to constantly watch, update, and fix problems on their systems to protect them from cyberattacks. In this article, we will talk about how to achieve secure by design principlesin detail.

What Is Security By Design?

The fundamental tenet of Security by Design is that businesses should approach cybersecurity from the viewpoint of the whole lifecycle. It implies that businesses utilize software created by engineers with the goal of minimizing the likelihood of flaws that might jeopardize a company's information security, and they take cybersecurity into account from the outset of a project.

For Security by Design to be successful, cybersecurity risk management must be seen from all angles. Like the lifespan of a product, Security by Design starts with a concept and ends with delivery and support.

A company's cybersecurity risk policy and management will be continuously managed, monitored, and upheld thanks to Security by Design principles. Software developers can now design and implement security systems much more easily thanks to the cloud, even if the Security by Design method is not new.

Essentially, you build several layers of protection to make it more difficult or almost impossible for a burglar to succeed. This idea is used by Security by Design, which adopts a more proactive strategy and incorporates security from the beginning. All systems cooperate to offer security.

How To Apply Security Design Principles To Protect Your Systems?

Reduce Complexity

Security is harmed by complexity. It adds extra flaws, dependencies, and vulnerabilities that attackers might exploit. The most minor functionality concept should be adhered to in order to reduce complexity. This implies that you should limit the functionality and features you provide to those that are essential to the operation of your system.

Additionally, you want to use modular design, which enables you to divide your system into more manageable and smaller parts that can be independently tested, upgraded, and replaced.

Implement Defense-In-Depth

The tactic of using many tiers of security measures to safeguard your system is known as "defense in depth." It lessens the possibility of a compromise or a single point of failure.

The least privilege concept should be used while implementing defense in depth. It follows that you should only provide access and permissions that are necessary for each user, process, or component to carry out its assigned job.

To safeguard your information, communications, and business processes, you should also make use of encryption, authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, and auditing.

Minimise Attack Surface Area

Programmers run a greater chance of creating a security flaw every time they add a feature to their software. In order to lessen possible vulnerabilities, the idea of reducing attack surface area limits the functions that users are permitted to access.

You may program a search function into an application. SQL injection and file inclusion attacks might be possible using that search function. The search function's attack surface and the likelihood of success might be decreased if the developer restricted access to registered users exclusively.

Principle Of Failing Securely

The Principle of Failing Securely acknowledges that things will fail, much as Defense in Depth. Imagine a digital locking mechanism to get an idea of how a system may fail securely.

A security credential is required to enter sensitive portions of a facility. Based on the Least Privilege concept, your security badge only allows access to the locations you need to perform your duties. What occurs in the event of a power outage?

When a system "fails to open," every lock malfunctions. All of a sudden, you may enter the building by any entrance! This is the perfect moment to spy if you're the naughty kind. All of the doors lock in a system that fails securely instead. Instead of being able to enter every door in the building, you are not able to enter any of them. You can't look around today!

Software design follows the same idea. Only after each stage of the procedure is appropriately completed does a system that is meant to fail securely provide access to certain areas of the system.

Principle Of Open Design

According to the Principle of Open Design, the confidentiality of your implementation shouldn't affect the security of your system. This is a particularly crucial idea when it comes to security ideas like applications of cryptography.

Public releases of well-designed cryptography implementations are made available. Before they are implemented, the world's most intelligent individuals question them.

Any software system needs to follow the same guidelines. For example, a system that fails securely, as it did before, may depend on the notion that "nobody would ever discover it out." Even if it's improbable, an attacker can figure out that a defect allows them access to the system.

Furthermore, they would rapidly figure out if they ever had access to your source code. Instead, adhere to secure design guidelines to guarantee system security regardless of unauthorized access to your code.

Reduce The Risk Of User Breach

Users are often the weakest link in firms since they may download malicious software, misuse passwords, or just open phishing scam emails that contain viruses. It is essential to ensure that employees understand how to utilize the company's online resources, how to recognize fraud, how often to change passwords, and how complicated they should be.

The concept of least privilege, which states that a user needs the fewest rights necessary to complete any given task, including administrative capabilities, helps with this.

Only an administrator is able to download tasks or provide users the authority they need to complete specific jobs. Good security starts with good training that is continuously updated for every employee.

Keep Security Simple Yet Secure

Complex security controls should be avoided when implementing application security measures since they might raise the chance of mistakes. In the event that a security vulnerability in an application is found, developers must locate the issue's primary cause, fix it, and then give it a rigorous test.

Determining which systems are impacted is crucial because if the software uses design patterns, there's a good chance that several systems are impacted.

Avoid Security By Obscurity

It is possible to rely on this security idea. The software or application is not safe at all if it requires hiding its management URL in order to be secure. No matter how hard you try to hide it, cybercriminals may still locate it.

To ensure the safety of your application, security restrictions must be implemented without compromising its essential functionality or source code.

Don’t Trust Services

A lot of web apps rely on other services to provide them access to more features or information. According to this idea, you should never trust these services in terms of security.

This implies that the application should never provide high-level rights to third-party services inside the app; instead, it should always verify the accuracy of the data that these services deliver.

Correct Security Flaws

In the event that an application's security has been compromised, developers need to ascertain the underlying source of the issue.

After that, they need to fix it and give the repairs a thorough test. The problem could be present in more than one system if the application makes use of design patterns. Programmers need to identify all systems that are impacted.

Benefits Of Implementing Secure-By-Design Principles

Implementing Secure-by-Design principles offers several benefits, including;

Reduced Vulnerabilities And Security Risks

By proactively identifying and addressing security issues early in the development cycle, organizations can significantly reduce vulnerabilities and security risks.

Cost-Effective Security Measures

Addressing security issues at the design stage is often more economical than fixing them later, leading to cost-effective security measures.

Enhanced User Trust And Reputation

When customers know that security is a top priority, they are more likely to trust and engage with digital products and services, improving brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Resilient And Trustworthy Technology

Secure by Design is the blueprint for creating resilient and trustworthy technology, safeguarding against cyber threats, and bolstering the overall strength and success of digital products and services.

Enhanced Operational Effectiveness

Integrating security from the outset enhances the resilience of the system throughout its lifecycle, protecting it from evolving threats and reducing vulnerabilities.

How Can Secure Coding Standards Contribute To Secure By Design?

Secure Coding Standards play a pivotal role in achieving Secure by Design by providing a set of guidelines and best practices for developers. Security issues are given top priority throughout the software development process thanks to these standards.

Developers may ensure that security is a fundamental component of the codebase by proactively identifying and addressing any vulnerabilities by following to Secure Coding Standards.

By using this method, the likelihood of security breaches is reduced, and an application is made more durable and resilient. Secure communication protocols, error management, authentication techniques, and input validation are only a few of the topics covered by Secure Coding Standards.

Applying these guidelines consistently improves the software's overall security posture. It helps the development team create a security-aware culture that encourages a proactive approach to spotting and thwarting possible attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Developers Implement Secure By Design?

Developers can implement Secure by Design by incorporating security practices such as threat modeling and regular security reviews throughout the development lifecycle.

What Is The Role Of Threat Modeling In Secure By Design?

Threat modeling involves identifying potential security threats and vulnerabilities in the early stages of development, allowing developers to design and implement countermeasures proactively.

What Role Does Continuous Testing Play In Achieving Secure By Design?

Continuous testing involves regularly assessing the security of the software through automated and manual testing, helping developers catch and address security issues promptly.


Talking about how to achieve secure by design principles, the idea of Security by Design applies to any IT network system in your company. It's a development methodology that focuses on ensuring software is as safe as possible right from the start. Focusing on the most effective programming techniques also helps.

It is essential to acknowledge that the data and information of the organization will not be safeguarded entirely by the Security by Design principles. However, by requiring that safety considerations be taken into account from the outset of infrastructure construction, the strategy aims to strengthen the security measures that may decrease hazards and weak spots.

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